Coastal Aquaculture Program / Coastal Aquaculture Siting & Sustainability Program

CSS supports the NCCOS mission to provide high quality science, guidance, and technical support to coastal managers to grow sustainable aquaculture while maintaining and improving ecosystem health.

Pacific Ecological Services Division Project (PESD)

Since 1996 CSS has conducted field and lab-based research in support of the Pacific Ecological Services Division Project

Analytical Chemistry Support for the US EPA National Aquatic Resource Survey

CSS chemically analyzes hundreds of water samples collected annually from the US EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS), a critical contribution to the EPA assessments of the condition of the nation’s water bodies.

IT Support to NOAA Fisheries

Our IT services support included developing and integrating information management systems central to NOAA Fisheries’ management and protection of living marine resources and their habitats

Expert Guidance to EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division

Technical Support for EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division (CMAD) – CSS provides expert technical guidance and field support related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) decontamination.

Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI)

CSS compiled and visualized data showing the distribution of habitats and marine organisms, to establish a baseline for assessing and monitoring potential environmental impacts from renewable energy projects.

Regulatory Documentation Development

CSS develops documents to meet the requirements of environmental regulations.

Social Values Relative to Wind Energy

CSS assisted in the assessment of social values related to understanding and support of offshore wind energy sitings off North and South Carolina.

Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation of Offshore Wind Sites

CSS supported developing a comprehensive seafloor characterization in support of a $3 billion offshore wind energy project in the coastal waters of New York.