CSS provided IT services to help NOAA Fisheries ensure the quality and credibility of its scientific data and research activities. Our support—including network administration, database development and administration, web application development, business analysis, technical writing, and IT security—reached across programs to help sustain the management and flow of scientific data.  We helped build several data systems from the ground up:

  • MRIP, the Marine Recreational Information Program, provides a detailed, comprehensive picture of recreational angling activities. Data include how many trips anglers take, how much and what kind of fish they catch, where and when those fish are caught, and the economic impact of recreational fishing on local, regional, and national economies.
  • FSCS, the Fisheries Scientific Computing System, is designed to automate collection of fish specimen information. FSCS resides onboard vessels ranging in size from small charter craft to large research vessels. It acquires data from digital instrumentation and stores the data in an Oracle database. 
  • SIS, the Species Information System, allows users to enter, retrieve, and manipulate stock assessment and status determination data. Users also use SIS to produce reports for analysis and evaluation. SIS directly supports NOAA’s annual Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries.

Additional Projects

Construction and management of emergency housing solutions

Providing Emergency Housing and Base Camp Services for Government, and Private Companies nationwide. About this Partnership CSS has formed a strategic partnership with GFP Response, a premier emergency response solution provider.  GFP is a premier emergency response solution provider. Services include emergency mobile services, specializing in base camp solutions and emergency management.  Our partnership with GFP…

Guiding Wildfire Response and Recovery

CSS supports communities following catastrophic wildfires to ensure that items discarded during site cleanup are properly identified, sorted, and sent to an appropriate disposal facility.

Pacific Ecological Services Division Project (PESD)

Since 1996 CSS has conducted field and lab-based research in support of the Pacific Ecological Services Division Project

Safety, Health, & Environmental Compliance

We provide our clients with tools to protect their workforce, the public, and the environment.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

We help our clients prepare for and protect the health and environment of communities after disasters and hazmat releases.

Environmental Resource Assessment & Management

We apply science to address challenges affecting the nation’s natural resources.

Satellite Science & Environmental Intelligence

Helping create a more environmentally sustainable, weather-ready, and secure nation through application of earth observation data  

Human Health Risk Assessment

We help advance the understanding of chemical effects on people and the environment.

Facilities Operations & Maintenance

We understand your facility support needs and deliver customized solutions.

Space Science Application Support & Operations

We deliver scientific support to advance our clients’ research goals.

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about our projects, capabilities, solutions, and service offerings.