HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
Our scientists helped set the standard for coordinated research and action to reduce the impacts of HABs.
HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
CSS scientists served as coordinator of the Interagency Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act working group (IWG-HABHRCA). The interagency working group comprises 50 representatives from 13 federal agencies, the White House, and Congress, and coordinates development of research and action plans to reduce impacts of HABs. CSS staff successfully coordinated the development and production of two Congressional Reports as well as multiple policy and progress reports under the IWG-HABHRCA.
Additional Projects
Operation and Maintenance of High Throughput Mobile Laboratory Units
Analytical Support for EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division (CMAD) – CSS operates and maintains 10 mobile analytical laboratories under contract with EPA’s Office of Emergency Management.
IT Security Support for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Science and Technology (OST).
CSS provided information systems security officer and engineer support to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Science and Technology (OST). CSS provided the following support for this Project: audited information systems and applications, developed a security program, implemented a successful system and application change control process, developed and implemented data extraction policies and…
Analytical Laboratory Support for Mass Transit Decontamination Research
CSS helped advance EPA’s body of knowledge for restoring subway systems after a biological incident.
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