Air Monitoring and Household Hazardous Waste Removal Help Devastated Communities During Recovery Efforts

Homes are filled with hundreds of items that are safe in normal conditions but pose significant environmental and health risks after being engulfed in fire.  CSS supports communities following catastrophic wildfires to ensure that items discarded during site cleanup are properly identified, sorted, and sent to an appropriate disposal facility. In the aftermath of the recent North Bay/Sonoma, Camp, and Santa Cruz/Carmel wildfires in California, we led teams conducting household hazardous waste (HHW) collections, environmental and asbestos assessments, and multimedia sampling. We also performed on-site air monitoring to protect the health of workers and returning residents, checking for unsafe levels of asbestos, volatile organic compounds, and other airborne hazards that may have been released in the fire. Our staff oversaw safety compliance, prepared daily Incident Command System (ICS) reports, coordinated with senior EPA leaders, and handled requests for special services.  We also performed quality assurance reviews of completed removals and assisted with data management.

Additional Projects

Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation of Offshore Wind Sites

CSS supported developing a comprehensive seafloor characterization in support of a $3 billion offshore wind energy project in the coastal waters of New York.

Expert Guidance to EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division

Technical Support for EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division (CMAD) – CSS provides expert technical guidance and field support related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) decontamination.

shuttle landing facility

Maintenance and Repair of Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), Space Florida 

CSS served as the prime contractor performing comprehensive facilities management for the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) and accompanying facilities. Now called the Launch and Landing Facility (LLF), it is one of the longest runways in the world at 15,000 feet, serving NASA and private aviation and commercial science companies. CSS assisted Space Florida in transitioning…

Satellite Data Applications

Helping create a more environmentally sustainable, weather-ready, and secure nation through application of earth observation data  

Emergency Preparedness & Response

We help our clients prepare for and protect the health and environment of communities after disasters and hazmat releases.

Space Science Application Support & Operations

We deliver scientific support to advance our clients’ research goals.

Environmental Resource Assessment & Management

We apply science to address challenges affecting the nation’s natural resources.

Facilities Operations & Maintenance

We understand your facility support needs and deliver customized solutions.

IT Services

Our IT solutions meet clients’ evolving needs.

Human Health Risk Assessment

We help advance the understanding of chemical effects on people and the environment.

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about our projects, capabilities, solutions, and service offerings.